To Lam eagerly grabs donations for his victim’s family – his crime increases

Ministry of Public security anoucement of the reason why they freeze Nguyen Thuy Hanh’s bank account

The Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam, headed by General To Lam, has ordered the confiscation of financial supports for the family of Mr. Le Dinh Kinh, who was killed by police during the bloody attack on January 9.
The ministry’s seize of money donated to the family of Mr. Kinh has angered Vietnamese in the country and abroad, likely the bloody attack, in which police forces under direction of Minister Lam killed Mr. Kinh with four gun shots.

Activist Nguyen Thuy Hanh said that the Ministry of Public Security has frozen her account due to financial supports from Vietnamese worldwide for the family of Mr. Le Dinh Kinh, who was brutally assaulted by police in their bloody attack on January 9.

Activist Nguyen Thuy Hanh

On the afternoon of January 17, activist Nguyen Thuy Hanh informed on her personal Facebook that Vietcombank “flagrantly appropriated” nearly VND 530 million by “freezing her account.”

Hanh said it was the “indemnity of the people to Le Dinh Kinh,” who was killed in the Vietnam police raid on Dong Tam commune on January 9.

Activist Nguyen Chi Tuyen about boycotting VCB

According to Ms. Hanh, on the morning of January 17, after the police officers were recalled from stationing near her private residence in Hano, she went to a branch of Vietcombank (VCB) to withdraw the money many people transferred to her account to support Mr. Kinh’s familu. However, she was told by a banker that her account was frozen.

All Saving books of a family preparing for withdraw money from Vietcombank

Political dissident Nguyen Xuan Dien wrote on his personal page: Vietcombank has acted against its customers for the third time and violated laws and ethics.

Dissident Nguyen Ngoc Chu wrote: “Attacking Mr. Le Dinh Kinh even when he has passed away is unethical, causing difficult karma for the next life. Disobedient with the spirits of the dead, the Spirit will also be angry, not only the living.”

People ruin Vietcombank VISA card

Thousands of Facebook pages, large and small, have voiced their opposition to Vietcombank. There are several Facebookers are calling for boycott of this bank.

Facing a wave of protest and call for a boycott of Vietcombank, the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam had to speak up to blame the people of Dong Tam

People together come to Vietcombank to withdraw money

Deputy Minister of Public Security, Lt. Gen. Luong Tam Quang told the press that this is one of the “anti-terrorism” measures permitted by Vietnamese law.

“As we have stated, the people in this case claimed to have donated and used the money to buy weapons, explosives, produce rudimentary weapons and used them to attack again. functional force”.

Such things show signs of terrorism. Laws of Vietnam and other countries are very strict with terrorism, which allows the application of necessary measures, such as preventing and controlling cash flow,” said Deputy Minister Quang.

Riot police officers sitting on their knees after the Dong Tam raid in the morning of January 9, 2020

Sources in direct contact with the people of Dong Tam said that up to now, the Dong Tam village area is still under strict control. Many people who want to visit or share family losses cannot access them.

Using her account to receive money sent from Vietnamese worldwide to support Mr. Le Dinh Kinh’s family after his death, activist Nguyen Thuy Hanh said she is aware of the risks and dangers that she has been and will face. I want to do something for people, and I am ready for everything, including prison.”

I also know it is very dangerous, but I also want to do something to encourage them in the event that their husbands die and their children and grandchildren go to jail,” she said.

I really want to tell Mr. Le Dinh Kinh’s family that the people are very supportive and very interested and support them.”

Lawyer Le Cong Dinh wrote on his personal Facebook “When banks become an instrument of political power, the collapse of the monetary system is foreseeable,” citing previous comments of Tran Huynh Duy Thuc, who is currently serving a 16-year sentence for writing “activities to overthrow the people’s administration.”

Saigon-based Le Cong Dinh talks about the case of VCB freezing the financial supports for Mr. Le Dinh Kinh’s family.

Facebook account named “Ngoc Vu” said: “Vietcombank has illegally blocked the account and intends to rob people of their beloved people more than half a billion dongs by which people pay respects to Mr. Kinh.” She calls on the community to boycott this bank if the case is not resolved in a week.

Vietcombank ATM card was cut or broken

Many people have posted on Vietcombank’s ATM cards that were cut or broken with information saying that they have boycotted the bank.

Nguyen Anh Tuan’s Facebook page also posted a link to Vietcombank’s Japanese strategic investors website for pressure from the Internet community.

Ms. Nguyen Thuy Hanh has also announced on her Facebook page that she will sue the Ministry of Public Security for this. She said that she is working with some lawyers, but many people think this solution is not feasible because in Vietnam the police sector is very powerful.
Activist Nguyen Anh Tuan’s Facebook has just launched another method of raising money without using a bank account, and he said that within 24 hours, 280 million dong has been raised.

On her Facebook account, Ms. Nguyen Thuy Hanh has also introduced a new way of raising money after police confiscated all the donations of over VND500 million.
As a rule, everyone does not contribute too much because this is just a donation, the highest is a few hundred thousand each. However, due to the large number of supporters, the amount of money collected was high after a short time.

Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Chu probably said for many people “Several times I sat down to write about Dong Tam but could not. Choking welled up. Pain. It takes a week to regain some peace of mind. The dispute over 59 hectares of Dong Senh land in Dong Tam is economic and civil. But it was solved by guns.

At the beginning of the 21st century, in order to settle a civil economic dispute, Vietnam’s communist regime used thousands of police officers with modern weaponry which led to the death of four people.

Vietnamese police surrounded Dong Tam early in the morning of January 9 and killed Mr. Le Dinh Kinh with four shots.

Writer Nguyen Quang Lap wrote “Ignite the furnace to regain the faith of the people, then take the envious tears of the people to extinguish the respectable furnace. Smart or stupid?

Perhaps the Dong Tam crisis can only compare the cruelty that the Communist authorities are so fond of for the Vietnamese people like the time of the land reform, although the death toll was only 1 person and 3 police officers, but the resentment exclamation sky.

The police forces, headed by General To Lam, kills people at the behest of the Communist Party, having lost everything they tried to deceive over the past 75 years- the legitimacy of the communist regime.

Hoang Trung from Ha noi – (translated)