Vietnamese Prime Minister presents stolen items to Malaysian counterpart

Studies have shown that the cover of the poetry book denounced the Prison Diary as a stolen product

“Prison Diary” is a collection of poems that have long been taught in schools by the Vietnamese gommunist government. Of course, the leader’s poetry is always superior to the poetry of other poets. This is a collection of Chinese poems consisting of 134 poems which the Communist authorities said was composed by late President Ho Chi Minh during the time he was imprisoned by the Chiang Kai-shek government in Guangxi, China, from August 29, 1942 to September 10, 1943. However, in fact, the cover of this book of poems shows two handcuffed arms, raised, and dates from August 29, 1932 to September 10, 1933. That time was 10 years before Ho Chi Minh was imprisoned.

In order to legitimize the date being skewed by 10 years, the Communist government tried to explain this difference that Ho Chi Minh intentionally misspelled it by 10 years, to avoid trouble with Chiang Kai-shek’s government.

This explanation is unconvincing. And the special thing is, the pen stroke of the person who drew the cover shows that he is educated with drawing art. However, nobody heard of Ho Chi Minh’s ability to paint at all.

Many independent researchers have questioned that Ho Chi Minh is Vietnamese, so why do he write poems in Chinese characters? Why he did not write poetry for the Vietnamese to read, for his comrades to read, but wrote poetry in Chinese? So is this his poem, or did he steal it from a fellow inmate? It is a “crazy” thing for Vietnamese people to write Chinese poems for the Chinese to read.

This Prison Diary is considered a “bible” in Vietnam, students who dare to criticize will be punished, unable to raise their career. Any teacher who dares to criticize will lose his teaching profession immediately. Those students and graduate students who dare to criticize this work will never be allowed to graduate. Therefore, many literary researchers, literature doctors… have to live by this work to be recognized. And they keep praising the product, even if they find it unappealing.

History will eventually return the truth to this stolen work. Independent researchers have confirmed that, and one thing is for sure, when the Communist regime falls, , the Prison Diary will be known as the stolen product of Ho Chi Minh. Those research values are still being kept abroad.

On the afternoon of July 21, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and his wife, along with his Malaysian counterpart and his wife visited the book street in Hanoi. Chinh presented his Malaysian counterpart with books in English, including: “Diary in Prison” by Ho Chi Minh; “The feelings of the world’s people for President Ho Chi Minh“; “Some theoretical and practical issues about Socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam” by Nguyen Phu Trong; and “Travelling in Vietnamese Culture” by researcher Huu Ngoc.

The Prison Diary is an indisputably stolen product, and the book “The World’s People’s Love for President Ho Chi Minh” is a cunning book. Because in 1968, the Indonesian press spoke out against Ho Chi Minh kissing children which was not in accordance with the Muslim culture of this most populous country in Southeast Asia.

The book “Some theoretical and practical issues about Socialism and the road to socialism in Vietnam” by Nguyen Phu Trong, is a book by a paranoid old man about an illusory paradise. What the Communist Party has brought to Vietnam is known to the whole world: poverty, insecurity, and moral degradation… The beggars cannot be taught rich people how to get rich.

Those are the things that PM Chinh gave to his counterpart, Prime Minister of Malaysia – Anwar Ibrahim. Really, the Communists have nothing to offer foreign guests other than such fake and stolen things. (Translated)