Imprisonment of Nguyen Phuong Hang and its lessons not to become more famous than Communist Party in Vietnam

Ms. Nguyen Phuong Hang at the Police Station when arrested

After 18 months of detention, on September 21, Nguyen Phuong Hang – General Director of Dai Nam Joint Stock Company – was tried for “Abusing democratic freedoms and violating the interests of the state, legitimate rights and interests of organizations and individuals” according to Article 331 of the Vietnam Criminal Code. The Trial Panel sentenced her to three years in prison.

It is known that in this case, many times, the Police Investigation Agency of Ho Chi Minh City Police had their files returned by the Procuracy at the same level, requesting a re-investigation, including a request to change the charges many times. The temporary detention of up to 18 months for a “quarrel” case between several women is unusual and too special. Corridor news said that it took so long because the prosecution agencies struggled and could not find the exact charge to prosecute Ms. Hang for the right person and the right crime.

Public opinion still wonders why a “quarrel” case in the showbiz world was not tried for humiliating others, or for slander, but instead was tried under Article 331? Then, the fact that the court did not recognize the victim status of the plaintiffs, but determined that they were only people with rights and obligations related to the case, according to the lawyers, is a serious violation of procedural procedures. It can be seen that after receiving a 3-year sentence, Ms. Nguyen Phuong Hang did not know what charge she was being tried for.

Ordinary people, including fans of Nguyen Phuong Hang, have only known for a long time that Ms. Hang is a rich woman who did charity work. Two years ago she became famous for her livestream programs on social networks, attracting a large number of followers, sometimes up to a million viewers.

But few people know that Nguyen Phuong Hang is helping the Fatherland Front at all levels, exclusively receive the flow of charity and relief money from all sectors of society. In addition, Hang also had the “merit” of slandering Mr. Le Tung Van and Tinh That Bong Lai, making it easier for Long An Police to prosecute and arrest them.

So why, for someone with such merit to the Party, was Nguyen Phuong Hang still sent to prison by the Party?

Social opinion says that each thing comes its way. She was sent to prison not because she livestreamed to curse each other. Because clearly, for more than a year, Ms. Hang cursed everywhere and no one stopped her. Nguyen Phuong Hang not only livestreamed, but also held a jubilant and crowded press conference, but no one did anything.

Then, taking advantage of the victory, Nguyen Phuong Hang pulled out former Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan and accused Doan of embezzling VND10 billion in heart surgery costs allocated by the Central Government to use for other things. Not only that, Ms. Hang also recounted her gratitude to Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Phan Van Mai. In the livestream, Hang recounted helping Mr. Mai when he was still Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Ben Tre province, scolding Mr. Mai for being “ungrateful and lacking in ethics,” etc…

But all of those things are small problems. Ms. Hang’s crime is being too famous, having too many fans, threatening the reputation of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Journalist Gio Bac wrote, “With the Communist regime, money and material benefits can be shared, but trust and political power cannot.

Even the front organizations set up by the Party to propagate and deceive the people, such as the Liberation Front, the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam, the Socialist Party, the Democratic Party… when their work is done, they are all allowed to do so. for “mission accomplished”. The Party prevents and destroys individuals and organizations that influence the public from the beginning.”

Meanwhile, Nguyen Phuong Hang has tens of thousands of crazy fans, attracting millions of followers through livestreams. In case, one day, Ms. Hai will be filled with excitement, “One calls, millions response” and What about “the front calls, the back supports.”

This shows that Ms. Nguyen Phuong Hang, even though she is a successful and wealthy businessman, is still blind to the power of money and her relationships with government leaders. Nguyen Phuong Hang did not understand the situation, was not aware of the rule of “the next wave overrides the previous wave” of the Communists. Accordingly, the new generation will eliminate the old generation.

The first instance trial has ended, Nguyen Phuong Hang has been sentenced to 3 years in prison, tears have fallen but she still does not know what crime she committed. But more dangerously, 3 years in prison is not necessarily the final sentence, because if the Party likes it, then anything is possible.

In the “land of paradise,” rich people also cry like that! (Translated)