General To Lam allows criminals to flee and puts effort to catch them abroad

The lesson to let the bird escape, To Lam never memorized after learning it

If based on achievements, it is clear that Minister of Public Security General To Lam is a person who has completed very well the tasks assigned by the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV). No minister has ever personally gone to Europe to arrest a fled criminal to serve for the General Secretary purging his major opponents. However, besides that heroic victory, To Lam also brought to Vietnam a huge consequence in diplomatic relations with Germany.

People who are unconditionally loyal to their superiors are called “stupidly loyal.” A person who knows how to persuade his superiors to do the right thing is truly loyal. To Lam disregarded international law and German law, sending his officers to kidnap Trinh Xuan Thanh at the request of his superiors. He was loyal but lacked intelligence. If it were feudal times, he would have been listed into the category of stupid mandarins. That means being loyal even to the wrong things.

To Lam climbed to the position of Minister of Public Security, and as a member of the Politburo, he must have some advantages.

However, someone commented that, in fact, To Lam’s shortcomings are also his advantages. Because this regime needs stupid and loyal cadres, not intelligent ones, so To Lam has the opportunity. The General Secretary needs people like that to fight wherever he goes, only then can he defeat many opponents. Disregarding international law and the law of the host country to kidnap people is, for the Party leader, a merit, not a crime.

A good general will never know when investigating anyone. But when you have just started an investigation and let the person being investigated grasp the information and run away, that is a bad general, not a good general. If you do a good job of information security, catching criminals will be much easier. If you do security well, the person being investigated will always be within reach. If you don’t do it well and let the person being investigated escape, then even if you put in a hundred times more effort, you may not be able to catch him. It seems that To Lam did not learn any lessons from the times he let the person being investigated hold information and then escaped.

To Lam is the police chief during his leadership so many serious criminals have escaped such as Trinh Xuan Thanh, Ho Thi Kim Thoa, Bui Quang Huy, Vu Dinh Duy, Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhan, etc. The reason was that To Lam could not keep the investigation information confidential.

Of the people mentioned above who escaped, only Trinh Xuan Thanh was kidnapped and taken back, the remaining people, now seem to be challenging To Lam. Another inexperienced person like Do Van Son – former Chief Accountant of AIC – was recently arrested. How could Mr. To Lam arrest the remaining “old” people like Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhan?

Recently, the Ministry of Public Security had to issue an arrest warrant for 7 defendants in a case that occurred at Saigon Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SCB) and Van Thinh Phat Group. Once again, To Lam let the bird in his hand fly away, and then had to work hard to find it. These people have a lot of money and connections, and they know how dangerous it would be if they fell into To Lam’s hands.

The relationship between the government and business managers is a relationship of interests. There is not a single manager who does not spend money to support government members in return for their help. The fact that the subjects in major cases received the news early and ran away shows the corruption of this regime. In fact, to get confidential information, people being investigated often have to spend money to buy it. Perhaps, To Lam should conduct an investigation right within his investigation agency to clarify. Because those involved, doing the investigation, if they don’t say anything, no one will know.

Letting too many birds in your hand easily fly away, then struggling to find a way to catch them again, is the way of a person lacking intelligence. It is unclear why General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is still using To Lam. (Translated)