Video clip of Vietnam’s National Defense Television channel was removed after posting

August 27, 2024

On August 21, National Defense Television channel of the Vietnam Television (VTV) posted a video report about Fulbright University Vietnam with the title “Do not let the color revolution change the color of education” but a few days later, this video was removed.

This video accused Fulbright University Vietnam of triggering “Color Revolution” through manifestations such as the graduation ceremony not parading with the Vietnamese national flag, instead using the Fearless flag and some other activities of the school.

Everyone knows that the pro-government online commentators are herded and fed by local Propaganda Departments. The highest level is the party’s Central Committee Commission for Education and Propaganda, which is currently under the leadership of army Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Trong Nghia.

Recently, the Central Committee Commission for Education and Propaganda has launched a campaign to order the online public opinion shappers to attack Fulbright University Vietnam – where the daughter (Nguyen Thanh Phuong) and son-in-law (Nguyen Bao Hoang) of former Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung are the main sponsors – denouncing Fulbright University Vietnam as the seed of a “color revolution.” That is, the military attacked Dung to warn General Secretary cum State President To Lam (former minister of public security) not to lean towards the US. It is known that in September, Lam will travel to the US to attend the United Nations meeting in New York and will hold talks with US President Biden on the sidelines.

If only attacking Fulbright University Vietnam would be too obvious, so Gen. Nghia also applied a “diversion,” requesting the online commentators to attack the artists singing on stage with the yellow flag of the Republic of Vietnam (also related to the origin of Hoang).

Thus, the struggle between the two factions (pro-China and pro-Western) has been expressed through the wave of attacks and accusations against Fulbright University Vietnam.

Returning to the video that was removed from the National Defense Television channel, has promptly saved this video clip, you can watch it here:

Hieu Ba Linh